Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Holiday Monday!

I hope all those with the day off are enjoying themselves!

I'm taking a little break today.
Maybe you'd like to check out some posts you may have missed...

My new appliances! Now I just need the kitchen...Two guest posts at two fabu blogs...Chartreuse love...Greek key and ikat...A clutch obsession...Straight-from-the-runway Gossip Girl fashion and a product review! Plus beautiful bride Chelsea Clinton in Vera Wang.

Also, if you like receiving real mail (a rarity these days it seems) and would like to get to know your fellow bloggers better then head over to Melissa's blog Oh, My Darling where she's organizing a pen pal mail swap.

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you all about a book that totally sucked me in
 (this one is an engrossing detective thriller).
What else can you expect this week

A fab new Getaways guest blog post (think European, fashion, lights...)

Some great food for thought. Or just food, as the case may be.

A new Love It! post all about the item I'm loving, wanting, craving right now.

An amazeballs giveaway from the very talented and generous
Beth of Sweet Nature Designs (plus the winner of the Dr. Perricone
Cold Plasma giveaway--enter if you haven't yet!)

Hope you're enjoying the summer sun lovelies! A domani!

Photo by Garance Doré


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