Wednesday, February 11, 2009

For the love of a coat

Today I decided to venture into the mall. It really wasn't a great idea but I needed some black flats. I ended up getting these.

So as I was leaving the mall I decided to venture into Banana to check out the sales. Nothing too exciting caught my eye until I spotted this trench coat.

It's a beautiful, classic silhouette with big black buttons that make a slight statement. I swooned over it enough to come to the conclusion that I would have definitely purchased it if I had a job. So as I sadly moved on to the jewelry markdowns a young guy came in, probably 30 or so, and immediately asked the sales girl if they had the coat in a small. They did and he said he'll take it and he wanted a box. So of course, as any curious young sales girl would be she asked, "Valentine's day gift?" and he responded with, "Yeah, I saw it in Marie Claire has a 'must have' for the season so I knew she'd love it." I mean really? What boyfriend sees something like that and just goes and buys it? They asked him if he wanted a gift receipt when he bought and he said, "No, we've been together for 6 years, I know she'll like it." UGH!!! I was bewildered. Noble has given me great gifts over the years but this just struck me. I mean for one, what guy checks out the seasons "must haves" in Marie Claire and on top of that doesn't want a gift receipt because they're so sure that she'll love it? And it's Wednesday! He's already getting her a gift 4 days before Valentine's!

Maybe he was gay.
Whatever the case, I need to figure out a way to get that coat.


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