Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And it feels so good!

Is there anything better than being reunited with friends? Especially friends with whom a prolonged period of separation feels like no time at all?

This weekend I was wrapped up in that kind of love, surrounded by friends who know me best and who make my life fuller by sharing their interesting perspectives and fantastic stories.

Standing in line for the Prada/Miu Miu sample sale was a joy, despite the cold dreary weather, because I had MBM to keep me company. Our patience was rewarded with a pair of shoes each. Here are some snaps of my selection: Jeweled heel Miu Mius!

Then my dear friends PMH and TPH came to visit from Baltimore and Indianapolis, respectively. We grabbed Magnolia cupcakes, shopped at boutiques on the LES, ate Italian for dinner in the East Village and grabbed coffee at Mud--all while talking and laughing non-stop. In the middle of our busy day we stopped by Times Square to enter the ticket lottery for West Side Story so we could see our friend SAM perform; it's her first Broadway show and she's already the third female lead! We ultimately didn't win tickets, but still had a great time catching up with our former ballet buddy, who was sweet enough to meet us during her quick break between the two Saturday performances.


I ended the weekend with a full and happy heart. And a sweet hostess gift from PMH and TPH:

I can't wait to find some spare time to dig into this treat; PMH has the BEST taste in books and a real talent for selecting the perfect gift.

Thanks to all the ladies who keep me true to my roots and fill my life with laughter!
Until we meet again...


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