Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Desk Stress

Hey lovelies.
Just a quick hello! I'm back at college after 4 weeks off so I won't be able to put as much time into blogging but I will do my best! I'm finishing my last project in 5 weeks though! YAHOO.

My room is such a mess at the moment. I was planning to sort it out before I started college but it didn't happen. Today I was looking at the Desk Thursday Pool that I joined back in July 2009 and I saw how my desk looked back in in July. Ok, it's pretty cluttered but at least there is some clear space in the middle. I took a picture of my desk now to compare.

My desk in July:

My desk now:

It makes me feel physically sick. I like pretty, organised, intentional clutter but this not that. I spy a SOCK (!??), a biscotti tin (empty, of course), a spool of yarn, a glitter painting by my 3 year old cousin. I really need to sort this out!

The thing is I never use my desk to do work on/ blog on/ sit at. I just use it as a storage space/ dumping ground. The desk at the top caught my eye because (although you can't tell in the pictures) my desk is exactly the same. Drawers and everything. And yet there is such a contrast :( I really need to get organised! The desk at the top is soo so pretty. I would really love a space like this!




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