Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Love Birds from Israel Giveaway

If you have read this blog for any amount of time, it is not hard to tell that I have a passion for art and anything unique. I love that something can be translated from a mere idea sparked by a feeling that is then brought into fruition through multiple media venues. In college one of the many art classes I took was in ceramics, and it was one of my favorite classes. Today I want to introduce you to Orly Design from Israel. Orly is a wonderful ceramic artist on Etsy whom I know you will instantly fall in love with, just like I did! Enjoy, and maybe they'll be a giveaway coming your way...just saying.

*thanks Orly for all the pics*

1. What got you started in ceramics?
My name is Orly, I’m married and a mother of 3 beautiful children. In the past 7 years we live in a moshav (village) in Israel. Since I remember myself, even as a child in my parent’s house, creation was always there. My parents had a factory for knitwear, which sold all over Israel. I understand today that my attraction to the handmade creation field started back then.

Over the years I have tried working with different materials and techniques, but once I tried ceramic – I fell in love! It’s a wonderful feeling to take a lump of clay with no shape or color and turn it into a personal, lively and unique creation. This kind of creation offers me endless possibilities. I enjoy creating sculptures, jewelry, functional and decorative items. I like to combine in my ceramic work other materials from the nature, such as rocks, wood, glass and more. During the day I spend most of my time in my studio, where I create and teach art and ceramics for kids and adults.

2. What made you decide to turn your hobby into a business?
In the past I sold my work to friends, but due to increasing demand and friends recommendations I decided to open my Etsy shop, and I got hooked! I love the exposure, support and the wonderful atmosphere in this new world.

3. What inspires you, what is your creative process?
As I mentioned, we live in a village I love the atmosphere here and I love living here. I think this is what inspires me during my days: nature, singing birds… One of the things I stared creating lately (and I just love it!), are items for weddings. I’m so excited when someone chooses one of my creations for their big day!

4. If you could have a super power what would it be?
I would love a super power that will allow me to choose how many hours will be in a single day. There are days (many of them) that 24 hours is not enough at all ... On the other hand there are days that I would be glad to finish and start a new day…

Orly has teamed up with Embellished to offer you Embellishers a wonderful opportunity to have your very own piece of Israel! These lovely Initial Love Birds pictured above are scheduled to possibly fly your way in a few...here's what you gotta do:

1. Visit Orly Design and comment below on your favorite piece

For extra entries

2. Tweet or Facebook this Giveaway and comment the URL below
3. Be a follower of The Embellished Life and comment that you are
4. Fan Embellished on Facebook and comment below that you've joined the group

So if you take advantage of all your opportunities you will have 4 comments total to give you extra chances to win these lovely love birds! This 4 day giveaway will go on until Saturday, April 24th Midnight NYC time so hurry and get in your entry!

Bonne Chance Mes Cheries!


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