Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I took a day trip last weekend to Amsterdam with some of my sorority sisters and we had quite a lovely time. I can't say that I can spend more than a weekend there, because there isn't too much to do other than museums, well if you are not looking to partake in the (illegal)legal activities I suppose. But on the whole we had a great weekend and it was nice to visit the Netherlands.

Amsterdam Cool Point #1 is that everyone...EVERYONE rides a bike. The streets are full of parked bikes rather than cars. It was kind of refreshing to see honestly.

Amsterdam Cool Point #2, waterfront city. All waterfront places automatically get my vote. I wasn't born near the beach, it wasn't even our regular vacation spot but for some reason I have an obsession with water. Its relaxing to sit next to, its fun to play on, and its pretty in pictures. Check, check, check.

Amsterdam Cool Point #3, the city seemed pretty lively and exciting. Yes, we did visit on a day of a huge soccer match, so I am not sure how hopping it normally is in town, but I enjoyed watching people run about the city with excitement nonetheless.

Amsterdam Cool Point #4, the people are SUPER friendly. Anytime we got lost which we managed to do many times in one day, someone gladly left everything they were doing to step outside and help us with our bearings. They also did this with a smile and jokes, they were so happy rather than annoyed that someone would dare come visit their city and then not know every street by heart.....ahem...France.

Have you visited Dutch-land mes cheries?


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