Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sunny Saturday & Giveaway Winner

Cheries I hope you have had a lovely first week of Summer and have even more exciting plans on how to spend the first weekend! Maybe you'll dive into a pool, shop around the city with an iced frap in one hand and a dozen bags in the other or just maybe you'll jet out to the Hamptons for the weekend and catch up on all the socialite parties you've been missing. Whatever you're weekend consists of I hope its fab! And speaking of cities, shopping and the Hamptons, lets see who gets to win her own key into the glamorous city of New York!

Congrats to...
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Wendy of It's Really Only a Purple World you have just won yourself a copy of Big Career in the Big City, so now you can work on Landing a Job and Getting a Life in New York!


Have a Sunny Saturday mes cheries!


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