Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bicycle accessories

Now that it's summer I've got back into riding my bike around a lot. But I never wear a helmet... which is really bad, especially as cycling in London is pretty dangerous! I'm considering getting one of these lovely helmets as I really want to start wearing one - my dad's helmet saved his life a few years ago and I know it's important. Joanna from Cup of Jo recommends the Bern helmet here. 

And while I'm looking... I'm also considering buying some bike panniers so that I can ride my bike to uni everyday when I start this Autumn. I have a basket already, but it's often not enough to fit in my sketchbook and everything.

Or this box on the back would be nice!


Check out this amazing blog about cycling and looking chic in London - here.

PS. How lovely is this floral bicycle?

All images/ products from Cycle Chic and their blog, London Cycle Chic


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