Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Opera in Mercato Sant'Ambrogio Florence

This post isn't about photography but about my other love, Italy! I spent the last week in Italy and the minute I crossed over the border something magic happened, as it always does for me. I know mother Italy isn't perfect and prim as mother France but oh she is so full of fun and emotion. I go from the invisible to the visible and I love it. I adore the daily conversations exchanged with strangers that happen in cafes, bars, train stations and the local latteria.

I want to share this video with you because it says everything about the Italy I love, not the one ruled by Berlusconi. The Italy of culture and sense of humour, the Italy of spirit and emotion and the Italy of surprise. This opera was performed in my former local market, Sant Ambrogio. Amongst the legs of prosciutto and slabs of parmeggiano, these talented performers created an opera with a difference. Bravo, bravo and Bravo. I hope you enjoy the video. Carla


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