Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Exhibition Space

Hello my lovelies!
Sorry I haven't done a proper post for a few days! I've been super busy with my exhibition. There's only 2 days left of it and then I'll be free! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. It will be kind of sad to be leaving this university, but I'm looking forward to starting at a new one soon! I took some quick photos of my exhibition space with my point and shoot before it ran out of batteries.
You can see some of the developments of the project here.

My hammock is hung kind of strangely because of the lack of space. I was actually lucky enough to get more space than a lot of people!

I set up a "picnic" underneath with my printed blanket, napkins and my sketchbook and comments book. It was fun reading the comments people have left so far. Someone wrote "Where's the food?". Haha, that made me laugh.

I also found out my grade for my whole art foundation on Friday and it turns out I got a distinction! :) It's graded either fail, pass, merit or distinction, so I'm really happy.

I just wanted to show you the cutest card ever that my friend gave me...

The dog came in a normal sized envelope and stands up. And it is holding a mini letter in its mouth! So cute. Mini things make me so happy!

My best friend is coming back from her gap year travels in South East Asia today! She's been there for five months, wow. I hope you have a happy day in this hot sunny weather (if you're in the UK!)



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