Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I love summer so much.
I love being able to walk around with bare legs.
I love being outside.
I love the way it doesn't get dark until 10pm.
I love feeling the sun.
I love drinking Pimms and eating ice creams.
I love the way summer is more sociable.
It makes me so happy.

Yesterday I spent all day in the sun with my friends. We read magazines and laughed and squeezed lemon juice into our air and drank homemade elderflower cordial. In the evening we had a picnic and took photographs and ate freshly baked cupcakes with Pimms. I wish it would stay like this forever.

Maybe I should just move to a hot country when I'm older and be happy all year round!

sources: 1, 6, 10, the rest


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