Monday, June 28, 2010

A Great Pizza and a Glimpse into the Future...?

Last week while chilling at a street festival on College Street--after eating a really great tomato-and-mozzarella pizza at Vivoli (I've been many times, mainly for the rooftop patio, and I think this is the best dish I've had there, much better than the food I've sampled in the past)--we happened on a psychic/tarot card reader set up on the street. For some reason I was inspired and decided to get a reading despite M teasing me mercilessly.

I'm not entirely sure if I believe in these kinds of things. Truthfully, I think there probably are people with these types of gifts (I've heard of cases when psychics have been spot on and specific) and many who are fakes, mostly just gifted at generalizing and reading people. I have no idea if the woman who read my cards was the real deal, although considering what she told me I certainly hope she was (hearing what she said even had M changing his tune!)

I didn't actually ask any questions as I figure that's a way to tip your hand and made it easier to falsify a reading. I mean, you should tell me if there's anything important coming up--right? Anyway, a few books I've read lately have also included psychics and they just seem to be popping up here and there so I thought I'd ask the question:

Do you believe in psychics and/or mediums? Have you ever had someone predict something that ended up coming true?

{Photos via}


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