Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Angelina's is Heaven

While visiting Paris a couple weeks ago, my Mother and I ventured upon a lovely bakery boasted by a friend of hers to have the best hot chocolate...in the world! This being a pretty large statement, we were of course intrigued to give it a shot. So on the rainy last day of our Parisian adventure we strolled past the Louvre, down the Rue de Rivoli, and into the beautiful restaurant called Angelina.

The interior was beautifully decorated and made you feel like you were slipping into a restaurant for a long lunch back in the days when people still wore hats and gloves as everyday items. Welcomed by a grand staircase, a grand piano, and of course a little patisserie full of their wonderful pastries that you can take to-go!

After being seated we ordered Le Chocolat Chaud L'ancienne also called "L'african" with deux croissants and un cafe. The waiter came with our breakfast on a silver platter (literally) and the presentation added even more to this wonderful experience. The hot chocolate comes in 3 carafes, melted chocolate, cream, and milk. You get an empty cup to mix in the ingredients as you see fit and then a bowl of whipped cream (Creme Chantilly) to add a dollop on top for the topper.

The mix was actually plenty for two full cups of hot chocolate. AND being that it was morning, coffee was definitely a necessity, but we added some of the melted to chocolate to the cafe for a wonderful mocha! All in all it was a great girl's breakfast, and followed by a trip to see the Monet's at L'orangerie, my Mother was in Heaven! I read a sign on the way out that talked about Angelina's history since it was founded in 1903, and it has served the likes of Coco Chanel herself along with a plethora of other designers that I would have drooled to have dined with!

Now you have a stopping point on your next Paris trip mes cheries!


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