i have been a really really terrible blogger lately. ever since my ridiculously wonderful birthday, i have been bombarded with exciting summer adventures & many-a-wedding celebrations. You see, in the past month i have attended 3 bridal showers. all were quite fun, but they have certainly kept me busy, busy. Tonight i have a bachelorette party to attend that is going to be just as fun, but it will probably knock me on my lazy bum for the rest of the weekend...
but i promise to get back on track with my regularly scheduled blogging starting NOW!

so, for my birthday i received this picnic basket from my sweet parents.
it is super rad & i am in love with it!
it is perfect!!
to top it all off Liz also gave me some little plastic bottles of wine (it was my twenty-first after all) to bring along on my picnicking adventures!
eeps! i can't wait!!
happy friday!
here's to a splendid weekend
& lots of picnics this summer! ; )
xoxo my loves.
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